Sunday, July 15, 2012

So I've been thinking about doing this for some time now.  Thinking about what for a time?  Well, I'm glad that you asked.  I've thought about starting a blog, woo-hoo!  Okay, so everyone and their mom has a blog right?  Dang it, I guess you are right.  This is going to be less of a blog however and more of a resource.  The intent of this page (which may or may not stay here at is to be a "Clean Well-Lighted Place" as one Hemingway short story was titled.

In college I worked on the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology's HPV team.  Why not the AIDS team you may ask?  Isn't that a much more worrisome STD?  If you are going to work on curing an STD, why not pick the hard one?  Patience please kind reader.  HPV in this case does not refer to a disease that may manifest itself as cervical cancer in women, but instead refers to a "Human-Powered Vehicle".  Okay, it's just a bicycle, but giving it a fancy acronym that can be easily mistaken for something else is a great way of confusing people and in general alienating oneself from society.  Why would one wish to do this you may ask?  I'm not sure why, but it seems to be a pretty important goal for most engineers, engineering students, and others in technical fields.

Our team was required to come up with a mission statement.  One member on the team jokingly said, "Why not say, 'More Good, Less Bad'".  Everyone had a hearty laugh, but we liked it.  Our adviser, a sleepy man who had once been hit by a deer on his bicycle, would not accept this as our official mission statement.  Because of this we sat around, threw out ideas, argued, and spent a large amount of time developing a mission statement that sounded impressive, had a nice percussive feel to it, and was acceptable to members of the - I'm a Victim of a Deer Attack - society.  I am positive that none of us can remember that statement.

However, 'more good less bad' was quite memorable and became a mantra for our team.  When we considered a new design we would ask, "Is this more good?" or sometimes, "Is this less bad?"  It became a decision making criteria for our team.  Lately I have began to apply this to my life.  How do I fit more good things into my life, and take more bad things out of it?  I've found that this very simple decision making criteria is very beneficial.  That is what this site will explore.  Every post will be about something useful, practical, and maybe even pragmatic that can be used to improve life; or it may possibly be about how to remove some bad thereby still improving it.

I have a few ideas already, and am excited about doing this.  Alex Jones you are a genius.

Over and Out,


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